Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Hazard or No? How To Know?

ini penilaian ilmiahnya. Pekerjaan itu termasuk Hazard apa bukan. Check it Out!
Actual Weight : 6 kg
Unadjusted Weight Limit : waist to shoulder ( mid-range : 7 )
Limit reduction modifier (LRM) : 0,65
2-3 lifts every minutes, 2 hours or more per day.
Adjusted weight limit (AWL) = twisting adjustment x unadjusted weight limit
Twisting adjustment = 0,85 (more than 45 degrees)
AWL = 0,85 x 7
= 5,95
Weight limit (WL) = LRM x AWL
WL = 0,65 x 5,95
WL = 3,86 lbs

Actual Weight Lift is greater than Weight Limit >>> Is a Hazard

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