Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

iOS 5.1.1 error

Sempet bingung.. Kenapa error? Mau buka safari aja gabisa.. Trus buka setting munculnya hanya beberapa settingan.. Ga semua.. Setelah gugling di berbagai macam forum, akhirnya dapet solusi de :D

Solusi apabila gagal naik ke iOS 5.1.1 dan dapat error 21, 3194, 16xx..
Gini nih..

Pastikan itunes terbaru
Matikan antivirus ma firewall
Coba ganti lubang colokan usb ato usbnya
Same problem but solved doing this :

On Mac:
* Open Finder
* Hold down COMMAND + SHIFT keys and press 'G'
* Enter "/private/etc/" in the field and press "Go"
* Find "hosts" file in the directory
* Drag the file to your desktop
* Open it in text editor
* Remove the line that has gs.apple.com entirely or put a # at the beginning of it to comment it out
* Save the file
* Drag it back to the /private/etc/ folder.
* You'd need to enter your username and password to authenticate the move

On Windows:

Locate the hosts file in one of the following directories:
Windows 95/98/Me c:\windows\hosts
Windows NT/2000/XP Pro c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Windows XP, Vista, 7 c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts*
Right click and click on "Open With..." and then click on "Notepad" on the list.
* Remove the line that has gs.apple.com completely and save the file.

This should work fine, gais! (‾⌣‾"٥)
Truss... Restart device coba ulang restore lagi.. Uda de..
Semoga bermanfaat ツ

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